shenyrash_and_his_bits namespace

Shreyansh and his bits.

   Shreyansh has an integer N.
   He is really curious about the binary representation of integers.
   He sees that any given integer has a number of set bits.
   Now he wants to find out that how many positive integers,
   strictly less than N, have the same number of set bits as N.
   He is a little weak in maths. Help him find the number of integers.
   Note : Since N takes large values, brute force won't work.

   Example 1:

   N = 8
   Output: 3
   Binary representation of 8 : 1000
   So the integers less than 8 with
   same number of set bits are : 4, 2, 1
   Hence, the result is 3.

   Example 2:

   N = 4
   Output: 2
   Binary representation of 4 : 100
   So the integers less than 4 with
   same number of set bits are : 2, 1
   So, The result is 2.

   Expected Time Complexity: O(log(n))
   Expected Auxiliary Space: O(log(n)*log(n))

   Constraints :
   1 <= N <= 10^12



auto count(long long x) -> long long
count the number of numbers strictly lower than x which has the exact same number of bit set on them.

Function documentation

long long shenyrash_and_his_bits::count(long long x)

count the number of numbers strictly lower than x which has the exact same number of bit set on them.

Returns long long

Algorithm: Step 1: Count the number of bits in x, mark as K. Step 2: Find the Left Most Bit ON, and mark its index as N. We can generate numbers stricly lower in two manners. Turn LMB OFF : Compute the number of permutation of K bits in N cells. That is exactly n choose k which we can compute before with pascal triangle. Keep LMB ON : Find the next LMB wich is ON and repeat step 2.

count the number of bits SET in x.

Keep the Left Most Bit SET in x.

Fill n choose k by doing "Pascal Triangle"

count the number of numbers lower than x.

Algorithm: Step 1: Count the number of bits in x, mark as K. Step 2: Find the Left Most Bit ON, and mark its index as N. We can generate numbers stricly lower in two manners. Turn LMB OFF : Compute the number of permutation of K bits in N cells. That is exactly n choose k which we can compute before with pascal triangle. Keep LMB ON : Find the next LMB wich is ON and repeat step 2.

count the number of bits SET in x.

Keep the Left Most Bit SET in x.

Fill n choose k by doing "Pascal Triangle"

count the number of numbers lower than x.